Watercolors: In Memory of Mark Malmgren

We are so pleased to be able to share the watercolors of Mark Malgrem. We hope you will join us for a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception at the Huletts Gallery and Library from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on Saturday, June 30th.
They will be on display through July 24th so if you cannot make the reception please come see them whenever the Gallery is open.
Patty Malgrem tells us that most of Mark’s inspiration came from pictures of architecture, facades of buildings, church doors or the canals of Venice, all taken while visiting beautiful European cities. Mark’s true love was the work of the Impressionist artists as well as a few more modern one such as Jackson Pollock. Mark described himself as a “self-taught, non-aligned, color-blind, abstract-realist painter from the American South”. Mark’s artistic statement is “To the constant chatter…listen less. To the rain…listen more.” He had spent most of the past year giving away some of his works so perhaps this was his way to continue “his chatter.”