Still Time to See the Stoddard Show, Plus Pictures from the Reception

It was a great night and there is still time to see a selection of Stoddard images that were presented by Tim Wiedner, Executive Director of the Chapman Museum (Glens Falls) from their collection as if one were traveling on the Lake by steamer, including several of Huletts that allowed local people to comment and add information about some of the images. The event was attended by 60 to 70 people. The talk by Tim, the dessert reception (with contributions from the Stratons, Piersons, Milbanks, Floyds, Lawlers and Shannons), and the photo show at the Gallery arranged by Tom Keating were well received. The show will be displayed through the end of August at the Huletts Library and Gallery (open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, 10:00am to 12:00pm). Beautiful Water & Light gift books available, all sales benefit the FHHL.